"My life may not be something special but it's never been lived before"
Weekend, Parties, and Birthday
2006-04-02 @ 10:24 a.m.

So basically, things are really really great right now. The weather's getting nice, I've been kicking schools ass, and I officially got the job in Alaska. This weekend has been so busy though. I really should be sleeping right now, but my body seems to have lost the ability to sleep later than 9. Grr. So, I guess I shall give a recap of my crazy weekend.
I stayed up really late on thursday doing french lit homework and when I got to class friday morning, I was the only one who had done it and I ended up telling everyone else what happened so even though I was the only one who did the work, the entire class got credit for it. It did make me feel smart and responsible though. French comp was more good times. I really like that class. Last semester it was so big I was scared to participate, but now everyone knows me so I feel like I can say something stupid and no one will care because most of the time I get things right. Which is also exciting. After that I had acting. Boring.
I came back to my dorm for a little bit and showered, but then I went to the sub to meet alex and kristen and then over to parker to meet this girl alicia because we were going to give our opinions on what the summer comp reading should this year to all the future comp teachers. We all went for The Dew Breaker which made me excited. I hope that's the one they chose....
After that, Alex, Kristen and I had to get back to school for Relay for Life. Luckily we got there a few minutes early and stayed there until 7:30 at which point we went back to the dorm, chillaxed for a bit, then went over to Brandon and Stephens. I drank wine out of a plastic cup. Anyway, we got pretty wasted and then went to Pencil Hill. I ended up staying outside and smoking for most of the time I was there, but then Al and I had to go walk relay for life. Yeah. That's right. I walked relay for life drunk and high. Oops. By the time I got home I was so exhausted, I just passed out.
Saturday was Accepted Students day. Kristen and I volunteered but were planning on only going in the afternoon, but my internal clock woke me up at 7:30, so I went on time but then left around 1. It was fun except for the two hours I spent standing on a corner holding a sign. That pretty much blew. I spent the rest of the day being lazy and then that night we all went out to Bobby's house. It wasn't that great of a party but Emily from my french class was there and we ended up spending the whole night talking. Plus it was Mary's birthday starting at midnight and everyone sang to her. She was really embarrassed but it was soooooo funny.
So, good times were had, and shall continue to be had today. So I'm going to go start that. The good times I mean. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.