"My life may not be something special but it's never been lived before"
Alex, Puzzles, and Acceptance
2006-03-03 @ 8:32 a.m.

I had a long talk with Alex last night. This is the conclusion that I came to. Be prepared for a long and drawn out analogy.

There are different levels of friendship. There's the saying hi kind, the small talk kind, the eating meals with kind and so on and so forth all the way down to the kind of friendship in which both people can just completely dump all their shit on the other person and it's not a burden.
Now for the analogy part. For each of these levels, every person has a puzzle piece. For the simplest levels, there are just straight edges to it can match up with pretty much anyone. The deeper you get, the more complex the puzzle pieces become and the harder it is to find a match.
So now here's my theory about what happened with jeffrey. Our puzzle pieces fit for awhile. We got to a level with our friendship that worked. The problem was that I wanted him to be more, so I tried to force it to happen. I brought more of a burden to him than our pieces could handle and they just broke.
So basically what I'm trying to say is that he is not a bad person, he is not a bad friend. He was just the right person or right kind of friend for me to fit with on that level. There's only so much one can force without snapping.
I would like to some day be able to continue our friendship at a level that worked, but I'm not certain right now if those pieces are broken or if they can be fixed. I guess it's a matter of "only time will tell". Right now all I have to do accept that nothing more can be done. I only hope that this is the end and it's not drawn out into a big drama thing. I really can't handle that.